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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Trinity Road. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies were received from Councillor Mark Harris.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no substitute members.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillor Dilys Neill declared a pecuniary interest in the application at the land at Templis Broadwell, as the applicant was her husband.


Members highlighted that they knew all knew Councillor Dilys Neill from her role as chair of the council, and questioned whether they needed to declare this interest. The Interim Head of Legal advised that this is for each member to decide. Councillors Patrick Coleman and Clive Webster both declared non-pecuniary interests in this regard.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 54 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 11th January 2023.

Additional documents:


The Committee requested that the list of councillors present be amended to highlight the chair and vice chairs.


RESOLVED: To approve the minutes with amendments.


Voting Record- For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 2, Absent 2


Chair's Announcements (if any)

Additional documents:


There were no Chair’s Announcements.


Public questions

A maximum of 15 minutes is allocated for an “open forum” of public questions at committee meetings. No person may ask more than two questions (including supplementary questions) and no more than two such questions may be asked on behalf of one organisation. The maximum length of oral questions or supplementary questions by the public will be two minutes. Questions must relate to the responsibilities of the Committee but questions in this section cannot relate to applications for determination at the meeting.


The response may take the form of:

a)    A direct oral response (maximum length: 2 minutes);

b)    Where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or

c)    Where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner.

Additional documents:


There were no Public questions.


Members discussed the addition of Public questions. It was highlighted that this item was previously a standard agenda item, and that members of the public could attend to ask any questions pertaining to the Committee, provided they were not about a specific application for determination.


The Chair invited any Member who had further questions to get in touch with themselves or Democratic Services.


Member questions

A maximum period of fifteen minutes is allowed for Member questions. Questions must be directed to the Chair and must relate to the remit of the committee but may not relate to applications for determination at the meeting.


Questions will be asked in the order notice of them was received, except that the Chair may group together similar questions.


The deadline for submitting questions is 5.00pm on the working day before the day of the meeting unless the Chair agrees that the question relates to an urgent matter, in which case the deadline is 9.30am on the day of the meeting.


A member may submit no more than two questions. At the meeting the member may ask a supplementary question arising directly from the original question or the reply. The maximum length of a supplementary question is one minute.


The response to a question or supplementary question may take the form of:

a)    A direct oral response (maximum length: 2 minutes);

b)    Where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or

c)    Where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner.

Additional documents:


There were no Member questions.


Item No 01 - Templis Broadwell Moreton-In-Marsh pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Change of use of agricultural land to residential land and addition of boundary fence, hedge and driveway turning area at Templis Broadwell Moreton-In-Marsh

Gloucestershire GL56 0TU


Ward Member

Councillor David Cunningham


Case Officer

Amy Hill




Additional documents:



Having declared pecuniary interest in the application, Councillor Dilys Neill left the room at this point.


The Planning Case Officer introduced the item.


The applicant, Mr. William Neil then made a statement on the item;


Templis was built 100 years ago on top of a sloping triangular plot. To the North of the house is a driveway, and a boundary hedge. The garden is all to the south and west of the house at the eastern end of the drive is a turning area which is about 8 metres in diameter. While this was adequate for small vehicles in use a century ago, it does not provide room for larger vehicles in use today, such as delivery vans.


If we have one visiting car parked in the drive, even the post van does not have room to turn. This means that many vehicles have to reverse in or out of the driveway which exists near two bends on the Oddington Road. To the left as you exit the driveway, traffic enters the 30 mile an hour zone for the village about 40 meters from the house, and vehicles often come round the corner at speed. The visibility is only slightly better on the other side, with traffic coming in either direction. Over recent years, the volume and speed of traffic have increased dramatically. The road is well used by cyclists, horse riders, pedestrians, farm and general traffic and so the current access to our property presents s hazard, as many road ussuers may suddenly come up on the vehicle reversing in or out of the drive.


The public benefit of this application is clear in terms of improved safety, not just for vehicles entering or exiting our property, but all users on the Oddington Road. The Officer suggests that we create a turning area to the west of the house. This would require the removal of two apple trees planted when the house was built, along with some other trees and lawn. This would adversely affect the setting of the lawn, giving a more urban appearance as it’s viewed from the lane. The current holly hedge is overgrown with brambles on the field side but is clearly a native hedge. Our new hedge would be a mixed native species around a reused metal estate fence and would have a more agricultural appearance. We’d use gravel for the enlarged turning areas and we’re not planning any additional lighting. We’d like to plant a strip of meadow inside the hedge, keeping the width of the current gravel drive. We’d keep some of the existing holly trees as well as the healthy apple tree on the new piece of land and remove the tree which has fallen into the hedge. We have no intention of building on the land and are happy to comply with any conditions about these matters which the officer and committee see fit to include, should permission be granted. We would also not be using this area for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 171.


Sites Inspection Briefing

Members for 1st March 2023 (if required)


Councillors Ray Brassington, Andrew Maclean, Mark Harris, Steve Trotter, Dilys Neill

Additional documents:


No site inspection briefing was needed.


Licensing Sub-Committee

Members for 22nd February 2023 (if required)


Councillors Ray Brassington, Stephen Hirst, Dilys Neill, Gary Selwyn, Clive Webster

Additional documents:


As there were no items on the agenda, the meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee on the 22nd of February would be cancelled.