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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Trinity Road. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



Additional documents:


There were apologies from Councillors Sue Jepson and Gary Selwyn.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillor Richard Keeling substituted for Councillor Jepson


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillor Judd declared that she had been acquainted with the applicant of item 1 some time ago, but they did not currently socialise together.


There were no Declarations of Interest from Officers


Minutes pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 11th May 2022

Additional documents:


The Committee requested the titles of Chair and Vice-Chair continue to be identified in the Councillors Present list


Minute 99 Application 21/03807/FUL (para 17) “Councillor Webster and Councillor Coleman seconded that the Committee REFUSE…” should read “Councillor Webster proposed and Councillor Coleman seconded that the Committee REFUSE…”


RESOLVED: The Committee agreed that, subject to the amendments being made,  the minutes were a true and correct record of the meeting held on 11th May 2022.


Voting Record – For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 3, Absent 1,


Chair's Announcements (if any)

Additional documents:


The Chair announced that the Biodiversity training will be postponed until after the new guidance is issued later in the year.


Tree Preservation Order - 22/00003/IND pdf icon PDF 104 KB


To consider objection and support to the making of Tree Preservation Order 22/00003/IND in respect of a tree at 1 The Laurels, Mawley Road, Quenington.



To confirm TPO22/00003/IND


Additional documents:


The purpose of this report was to consider an objection and support to the making of Tree Preservation Order 22/00003/IND in respect of a tree at 1 The Laurels, Mawley Road, Quenington


The Tree Officer, Justin Hobbs, introduced the report and presented a summary of the Tree Preservation Order (TPO) including the tree’s age, condition, setting and location.  Site and location maps and photographs were also presented for consideration by the Committee


The following people addressed the Committee:

Jill Mockridge – Applicant


The Committee enquired to what extent the tree was overshadowing the garden. The Tree Officer stated that the comparatively small tree was deciduous and was located in the corner of the garden.  It was therefore felt that the amenity benefits outweighed any overshadowing and the minimal loss of light.


The Committee enquired whether the fungus on the tree was detrimental and whether the TPO prevented pruning of the tree.  The Tree Officer stated that the TPO did not prevent applications for pruning (one had recently been permitted), and although the fungus had not been identified, not all fungi were detrimental, and trees could survive for long periods infected with those that were.


The Committee noted that the tree was probably over 50 years old and although the tree had been leaning for a long time, trees did not generally fall over without showing prior signs such as lifted roots. Therefore, this was not a concern in this case.


The Committee noted that applications to prune the tree needed to accurately indicate what was intended, and that the Council did not recommend tree surgeons as this was the responsibility of the tree owner.


The Committee noted that annual pruning usually took place in commercial orchards and was not required for this tree, although separate permission to prune 2 boughs of this tree had recently been granted.


The Committee noted that TPOs did not preclude the felling of trees that were causing harm or damage to properties, and details of when felling would be permitted were included in the application-to-fell form that had to be completed before this work was undertaken.


The Committee noted that the risk of harm being caused by falling fruit was extremely low, but it was unclear where any liability rested should this occur.  If a tree was causing an ‘actual legal nuisance’ and verifiable harm, the Council would be unlikely to contest an application to fell it.


Councillor Coleman proposed and Councillor Harris seconded that the Tree Preservation Order is confirmed


RESOLVED: The Committee agreed to confirm the Tree Preservation Order TPO22/00003/IND.


Voting Record – For 10, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1,


Schedule of Applications pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Application No.


Ward Councillor(s)

Case Officer/Page No.


Erection of a four-bedroom dwlling at Cliffordine House Cheltenham Road Rendcomb

Cirencester Gloucestershire

Councillor Jenny Forde

Harrison Bowley


Erection of an agricultural building at Land North Of Draycott Business Centre Draycott

Road Blockley Gloucestershire

Councillor Sue Jepson

Harrison Bowley


Additional documents:


21/03879/OUT Erection of a four-bedroom dwelling at Cliffordine House, Cheltenham Road, Rendcomb, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 7ER


The Major Developments and Appeals Manager, Mike Napper, started by stating that all references to ‘Rendcomb House’ throughout the report should read: Rendcomb Manor’.  Also, the recommendation to REFUSE was putative, due to the submission of an appeal against non-determination.  Therefore the result of the resolution by Committee would be to forward a ‘minded to’ recommendation to the Planning Inspector to aid their consideration of the appeal.  There was also a small change to the 3rd refusal reason where “The siting of the dwelling in the location proposed will result in a significant change to the existing rural character of this piece of land which would fail to conserve the surviving character of this part of Rendcomb” should read, “The siting of the dwelling in the location proposed will result in a significant change to the existing rural character of this piece of land would fail to conserve the surviving character of this part of the setting of Rendcomb


The Major Developments and Appeals Manager then presented the outline planning application for the Erection of a four-bedroom dwelling at Cliffordine House Cheltenham Road, Rendcomb, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 7ER.  The proposed development was summarised, and site and location maps and photographs were presented to provide context for what was proposed.


The following people addressed the Committee:

Hugh Brass (written submission read out)  – Objector

Simon Collier – Applicant


The Committee noted that the application had failed the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) strategy as there was no exceptional justification for the construction in terms of (for example) exceptional design, high energy performance etc.


The Committee noted that should an application be received that was for an exceptional construction, that met the NPPF criteria, it would be considered on its own merits in respect of that justification approach.


The Committee noted that outline planning applications do not need to be submitted (to determine if development was possible in principle), before submitting a detailed planning application.


The Committee noted that, when arriving at planning application decisions (particularly recommendations to refuse), consideration is given to whether the decision would be upheld, should the applicant choose to take the application to appeal.


Councillor Webster proposed and Councillor Neill seconded that the application is REFUSED for the reasons provided by the Planning Case Officer


RESOLVED:  The Committee was minded to REFUSE the application for the reasons provided by the Planning Case Officer.


Voting Record – For 9, Against 1, Abstentions 0, Absent 1,


The Committee was minded to REFUSE the application in agreement with the recommendation of the Planning Case Officer


21/04800/FUL Erection of Agricultural Building at Land North of Draycott Business Centre, Draycott Road, Blockley, Gloucestershire


The Major Developments and Appeals Manager introduced the application for the erection of an Agricultural Building in an open agricultural field located north of Draycott Business Park.  A summary of the site and proposed construction  ...  view the full minutes text for item 108.


Sites Inspection Briefing

Members for Wednesday 22nd July 2022 (if required):

Councillors Ray Brassington, Stephen Hirst, Andrew Maclean, Mark Harris, Clive Webster

Additional documents:


Members for Wednesday 22nd July 2022 (if required) were Councillors Ray Brassington, Stephen Hirst, Andrew Maclean, Mark Harris & Clive Webster.


Licensing Sub-Committee

Members for 27 July 2022 (if required):

Councillors Julia Judd, Patrick Coleman, Sue Jepson, Mark Harris, Clive Webster

Additional documents:


Members for 29th June 2022 were Councillors Hirst plus 2 additional Members, (volunteers please notify Democratic Services)


Members for 27th July 2022 (if required) were Councillors Julia Judd, Patrick Coleman, Sue Jepson, Mark Harris & Clive Webster