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Agenda and minutes

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Steve Trotter.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillor Richard Keeling was substituting for Councillor Steve Trotter.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillor Patrick Coleman declared an interest in relation to item 1 (20/04673/FUL). The item had been considered at the Planning Committee at Cirencester Town Council (of which Councillor Coleman was a Member).


Minutes pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9 February 2022.

Additional documents:


The Committee agreed that the following amendments should be made to the draft minutes of the 9 February 2022 meeting:


At page 7 of the minutes, paragraph two, Councillor Clive Webster indicated that a sentence should be added to reflect that there were differing views of the Committee in relation to the proposed gable end, specifically that some Members believed that the gable end should be proportionate to the existing gable end.


At page 7 of the minutes, paragraph two, Councillor Patrick Coleman indicated that the wording should be amended to read ‘a range of views was expressed by Members’


At page 9, paragraph five, a typo should be corrected so that the wording reads ‘the impact of the garden room’.


Subject to the above recommendations being made, the Minutes of the meeting held on  the 9 February 2022 were agreed as a true, accurate record.


Record of Voting – for: 10, against: 0, abstention: 1, absent: 0.




Chair's Announcements (if any)

Additional documents:


The Chair wished to place on record his thanks to Claire Baker (Planning Officer) who would shortly be leaving the Council after 20 years of service.


Schedule of Applications pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To consider and determine the applications contained within the enclosed schedule:


Application No


Ward Councillor(s)

Case Officer / Page No:


Provision of a new secure roadside truck stop facility, including associated HGV and car parking, drivers facilities building, vehicular access, service yard and landscaping at Land At Gloucester Road, Stratton, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 2LJ

Councillor Jenny Forde

Andrew Moody / Page 15




Retrospective permission for garden room at The Dower House, High Street, Bourton-On-The-Water, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 2AP


Councillor Nick Maunder



Amy Hill / Page 69




Extensions to existing garage block (part retrospective) at The Dower House, High Street, Bourton-On-The-Water, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 2AP


Councillor Nick Maunder


Amy Hill / Page 79


Lawson Cypress (T4) - Crown lift to 3m above parking area at Beeches Car Park, Beeches Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 1AE

Councillor Joe Harris

Amy Hill / Page 91


T3 (Yew) - remove deadwood; T26 (Snakebark Maple) - remove dead limb; T32

(Plane) - Crown lift; and T37 (Turkey Oak) - reduce weighted limbs at Abbey Grounds, Dugdale Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 2DA

Councillor Mark Harris

Amy Hill / Page 97


Additional documents:




Land At Gloucester Road, Stratton, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 2L


The Planning Case Officer, Andrew Moody, introduced the application:


Provision of a new secure roadside truck stop facility, including associated HGV

and car parking, drivers facilities building, vehicular access, service yard and

landscaping at Land At Gloucester Road, Stratton, Cirencester, Gloucestershire,

GL7 2LJ.


The Committee noted the additional pages update which included further representations made by third parties and additional information which was provided to the Biodiversity and Tree Officers.


The Committee noted that there was one refusal reason associated with this application as outlined in the report.


The Committee noted the location of the application site, photographs of the site, and the and proposed plans. They were also shown a block plan of the site and vehicular access from the highway. The landscape strategy drawing was also shown to the Committee.


The following people addressed the Committee:


Councillor John Milner (Baunton Parish Council)


Michael St. John (Objector)


Mr Rhys Williams (Supporter)


Mr William Gilder (Applicant)


Councillor Jenny Forde (Ward Member)


The Committee noted the feedback from those Members who had attended the site visit to the proposed location.


The Committee noted that the existing site contained sheep and many trees and hedges.


The site could be suitable for the proposed facility due to its size although it would impact heavily on the AONB. There could also be an impact on the surrounding views if the development was undertaken.


The proposed site was surrounded by nature and the countryside and was on high ground.


Traffic noise could be heard from the proposed location.


Some Members of the Committee had received additional documentation very late in the evening before this meeting. Members did not have the opportunity to read the sizeable documents in advance of the meeting and as such they should not be considered as part of the application. The documents had not been received by Officers.


The Committee noted that the application covered several wards which would be affected by the development. The Ward Members representing these areas were Members of the Planning and Licensing Committee. The existing protocol did not allow for representations to be made directly from Wards.


The Committee noted that the proposal was solely a planning matter.


The Committee further noted that this application should be considered on its own merits – it was not a matter for the Planning Committee to determine if other sites might be suitable for the development.


The Committee noted that electric vehicle charging points had not been included as part of these proposals although this could be conditioned.


In relation to lighting, the Committee noted that low-level bollard lighting would be included.


The proposed lighting had resulted in concerns being raised by the Biodiversity Officer in relation to the potential impact on local wildlife.


The Committee noted that Officers had considered similar facilities in the locality and had determined that there was no current legislation in terms of how many of these facilities should be available within a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 83.


Sites Inspection Briefing

Members for Wednesday 6 April 2022 (if required):


Councillors Ray Brassington, Julia Judd, Stephen Hirst, Juliet Layton and Gary Selwyn.

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the rota for attendance at the Sites Inspection Briefing on

Wednesday 6 April 2022 (if required).


Licensing Sub-Committees

Members for Wednesday 23 March 2022 (if required):


Councillors Ray Brassington, Stephen Hirst, Dilys Neill, Gary Selwyn and Clive Webster.

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the rota for attendance at the Licensing Sub-Committee on

Wednesday 23 March 2022 (if required).


The meeting commenced at 10:00am and closed at 12.32pm