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Agenda and minutes

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies had been received from Councillors Ind and Neill.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillor Maclean substituted for Councillor Ind.


Councillor Hughes substituted for Councillor Neill.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest from Members or Officers.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 356 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 April 2021.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 14 April 2021 be approved as a correct record.


Record of Voting - for 9, against 0, abstention 2, absent 0.




Chair's Announcements (if any)

Additional documents:


The Chair advised the Committee of the appropriate procedure to ensure a Covid-safe meeting within the Council Chamber and on the operation of the new microphones and webcasting system.


Schedule of Applications pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To consider and determine the applications contained within the enclosed schedule:


To consider and determine the applications contained within the enclosed schedule:


Application No:


Ward Councillor(s):

Case Officer:


Demolition of existing rear extensions and erection of two storey and single

storey extensions to rear and addition of porch to front at 4 London Road,

AmpneyCrucis, Cirencester,


Councillor Lisa Spivey

Martin Perks




Change of use of a residential garage to a holiday let and associated external

alterations at Garage 15 Main Street, Coln St Aldwyns, GL7 5AN

Councillor Ray Theodoulou

Claire Baker


Conversion to ancillary accommodation at Ampneyfield Farm, Ampney Crucis,



Councillor Lisa Spivey

Andrew Moody


Conversion to ancillary accommodation at Ampneyfield Farm, Ampney Crucis,



Councillor Lisa Spivey

Andrew Moody


Single storey side and rear extensions, new porch, and associated ancillary

development, and detached double garage at Kernow, Ampney Crucis, Cirencester,


Councillor Lisa Spivey

Andrew Moody


Erection of an agricultural livestock barn at Church Farm, Little Rissington,

GL54 2ND

Councillor Andrew Maclean

Amy Hill




Additional documents:



Demolition of existing rear extensions and erection of two storey and single storey extensions to rear and addition of porch to front at 4 London Road, Ampney Crucis, Cirencester, GL7 5RS

The Case Officer drew attention to additional information and then displayed a map of the site, existing elevations and photographs of the site from various vantage points.

The Committee Officer then read out comments on behalf of the Agent.

The Ward Member, who did not serve on the Committee, was then invited to address the Committee.  She explained that the property was not currently the most beautiful in design but was required to be determined by the Committee in the fairness of balance.

In response to various questions it was reported that the Conservation Officer considered the building was of historic interest and typical in its design but was not considered to be of significance to warrant listing or as a non-designated heritage asset having regard to Local Plan Policy EN12; the application property and neighbouring property were believed to have been built at the same time, but Officers could not confirm if the properties had been connected historically; Officers considered that the proposals did not represent over-development of the site; there was no current policy which required energy efficiency, but this was being reviewed within the Local Plan review and the application’s proposals had to meet and pass the relevant policies, which Officers considered it did.

A Member commented that there were benefits arising from the application, particularly in relation to the addition of a porch and the use of natural stone walling.

Another Member commented that he considered the design still fell short of what should be expected within a conservation area.

A Proposition, that the application be approved, was duly Seconded.

The Ward Member was invited to address the Committee again but advised she had no further comments to make.

Approved, as recommended.

Record of Voting - for 10, against 1, abstention 0, absent 0.




Change of use of a residential garage to a holiday let and associated external alterations at Garage 15 Main Street, Coln St Aldwyns, GL7 5AN

The Case Officer drew attention to additional information and then displayed a site location plan, existing block plans, elevations and photographs of the site from various vantage points.

A representative from the Parish Council, an Objector and the Agent were then invited to address the Committee.

The Ward Member, who did not serve on the Committee, was not present at the meeting.

In response to various questions it was reported that there was a further property behind the site which would be overlooked and hence the request from Officers for the proposed windows to be glazed, in addition to the top part of the garage doors; the 22-metre distance ruling did not apply to front windows, but Officers had considered the possible amenity impact, which Officers did not consider would be significant; there was space for two cars to park  ...  view the full minutes text for item 123.


Sites Inspection Briefing (Members for Wednesday 2 June 2021

Members appointed to serve on the Sites Inspection Briefing (if required) will be confirmed following the appointment of the Committee for Council Year 2021-22 at the Annual Council Meeting taking place on 26 May 2021.

Additional documents:


It was noted that Members for the Sites Inspection Briefing on 2 June 2021(if required) would be confirmed following the appointment of the Committee for Council Year 2021-22 at the Annual Council Meeting taking place on 26 May 2021.



Licensing Sub-Committee (Members for 23 June 2021)

Members appointed to serve on the above Licensing Sub-Committee (if required) will be confirmed following the appointment of the Committee for Council Year 2021-22 at the Annual Council Meeting taking place on 26 May 2021.


Additional documents:


It was noted that Members for the Licensing Sub-Committee on 23 June 2021(if required) would be confirmed following the appointment of the Committee for Council Year 2021-22 at the Annual Council Meeting taking place on 26 May 2021.


It was also noted that Councillors Hirst, Judd, Layton, Neill and Webster would represent the Committee at the virtual Licensing Sub-Committee meeting on 19 May 2021.