Venue: the Council Chamber - Council Offices, Trinity Road, Cirencester, GL7 1PX. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. The quorum for Cabinet is 3 members.
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Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Cabinet Members relating to items to be considered at the meeting. Additional documents: |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of Cabinet on 5 December 2024. Additional documents: |
Leader's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council. Additional documents: |
Public Questions To deal with questions from the public within the open forum question and answer session of fifteen minutes in total. Questions from each member of the public should be no longer than one minute each and relate to issues under the Cabinet’s remit. At any one meeting no person may submit more than two questions and no more than two such questions may be asked on behalf of one organisation.
The Leader will ask whether any members of the public present at the meeting wish to ask a question and will decide on the order of questioners.
The response may take the form of: a) a direct oral answer; b) where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or c) where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner. Additional documents: |
Member Questions A Member of the Council may ask the Leader or a Cabinet Member a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Cotswold District. A maximum period of fifteen minutes shall be allowed at any such meeting for Member questions.
A Member may only ask a question if: a) the question has been delivered in writing or by electronic mail to the Chief Executive no later than 5.00 p.m. on the working day before the day of the meeting; or b) the question relates to an urgent matter, they have the consent of the Leader to whom the question is to be put and the content of the question is given to the Chief Executive by 9.30 a.m. on the day of the meeting.
An answer may take the form of: a) a direct oral answer; b) where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or c) where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner. Additional documents: |
Issue(s) Arising from Overview and Scrutiny and/or Audit and Governance PDF 673 KB To receive any recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or to consider any matters raised by the Audit and Governance Committee. Additional documents: |
Business Rates Relief 2025/2026, retail, hospitality and leisure scheme PDF 515 KB Purpose To consider a scheme of rate relief for retail premises as outlined by Government in the Autumn Statement 2024
Recommendations That Cabinet resolves to: 1. Approve the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure scheme as set out in Annex A for 2025/2026. 2. Delegate authority to the Interim Executive Director for Resident Services to award such reliefs. Additional documents: |
Counter Fraud and Enforcement Unit Collaboration Agreement PDF 552 KB Purpose To seek approval to the Counter Fraud and Enforcement Unit Partnership Collaboration Agreement between Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Borough and Cotswold, Forest of Dean, Stroud and West Oxfordshire District Councils.
Recommendation 1. Recommend to Council to approve entering into the Counter Fraud and Enforcement Unit Partnership Collaboration Agreement (The revised agreement is for 10 years with an option to extend for up 3 years at a time. There is no limit on the number of times the agreement can be extended). 2. Note that there is an option for Cotswold District Council to cease acting as host on 31 March in any year of the term by giving the other Councils 18 months’ notice. 3. Note that any Council can leave the agreement on the service of 12 months’ notice to expire on the 31 March. Additional documents: |
Corinium Museum Collections Development and Human Remains policies PDF 539 KB Purpose To review and approve the Collections and Human Remains Policies of the Corinium Museum, and to agree a delegation to the Cabinet Member for Health, Culture and Visitor Experience.
Recommendation That Cabinet resolves to:
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Disabled Facilities Grants Policy Update PDF 556 KB Purpose To seek Cabinet approval for the implementation of the updated Disabled Facilities Grant Policy.
Recommendations That Cabinet resolves to: 1. Approve the updated Disabled Facilities Grant Policy, subject to availability of Disabled Facilities Grant funding from the Better Care fund annual allocation. 2. Continue to delegate authority to approve Discretionary Disabled Facility Grant funding (DDFG) as per the Council’s Constitution. Up to £2,500 - Service Manager/Lead Up to £10,000 - Head of Service/Business Manager Up to £50,000 – Assistant Director/Director Over £50,000 – Section 151 Officer and CEO 3. Approve the key updates to the policy that: a) Mandatory Grants - where the applicant is an owner occupier, and the grant value is over £5,000 a local land charge up to £10,000 may apply for 10 years b) Discretionary Grants – a local land charge may apply dependent upon the nature and value of the DDFG as outlined in Appendix B – Types of Assistance.
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Financial Performance Report - Q2 2024/25 (Update) PDF 579 KB Purpose This report sets of the budget monitoring position for “Planning Services” for the 2024/25 financial year.
Recommendation That Cabinet resolves to: 1. Review and note the financial position set out in the report. Additional documents: |
Schedule of Decisions taken by the Leader of the Council and/or Individual Cabinet Members No individual Cabinet Member decisions have been taken since the previous meeting of Cabinet, held on 5 December 2024. Additional documents: |
Contract Award for the Parking ICT system PDF 78 KB Purpose To agree the contract award for the Parking ICT system.
Recommendation That Cabinet resolves to: 1. Approve the recommendation by officers to award the contract for the Parking ICT system to the preferred contractor as outlined in the Exempt Annex B. The contract length is 4 years plus 1. Additional documents: |
Matters exempt from publication If Cabinet wishes to exclude the press and the public from the meeting during consideration of any of the items on the exempt from publication part of the agenda, it will be necessary for Cabinet to pass a resolution in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 on the grounds that their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Cabinet may maintain the exemption if and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
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Exempt Annex B for Agenda Item 14 Additional documents: |