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Agenda and minutes

Venue: CDC Trinity Road, Cirencester GL7 1PX

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies were received from Councillor Juliet Layton


Councillor Spivey had advised that she would be arriving late.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest from Members.


There were no declarations of interest from Officers.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on Monday 7 November 2022.

Additional documents:


The Minutes from Cabinet 7 November 2022 were considered and the following corrections and amendments were made:


Minute 55 (para 4)

“Cabinet noted that the scheme included £4.5m that was used to support residents across the district on the lowest incomes” should read “Cabinet noted that the scheme cost £4.5m that was used to support residents across the district on the lowest incomes”


(para 7)

“At the Chair’s invitation a representative of CAB addressed Cabinet as a public participant and made the following comments” should read “At the Chair’s invitation a member of the public addressed the Cabinet and made the following comments:

Minute 57 (para 4)

Cabinet noted that the same approach to the Removal of Long Term Empty Premiums would apply to privately owned properties that were compulsorily purchased should read “Cabinet noted that the same approach to the Removal of Long Term Empty Premiums could apply to privately owned properties that were compulsorily purchased.


Minute 58 (para 7)

Cabinet noted that the Council’s only current borrowing was £500k (at 2.5%) that had

funded the Cotswold Climate Investment, delivering Electric Vehicle Charging Points and reducing the carbon impact of the Council’s building” should read “Cabinet noted that the Council’s only current borrowing was £500k (at 2.5%) that had funded the Cotswold Climate Investment, delivering Electric Vehicle Charging Points and reducing the carbon impact of the Council’s offices at Trinity Road.


Minute 61 (para 1)

“The purpose of the report was to set out how the Council was responding to the Cost of Living and Warm Places Motion, proposed by Councillor Gina Blomefield, and to make recommendations for funding allocations for specific initiatives”. should read “The purpose of the report was to set out how the Council was responding to the Cost of Living Motion and the Warm Places Motion, proposed by Councillor Gina Blomefield, and to make recommendations for funding allocations for specific initiatives.


(para 4)

“…help could be provided at a very local level and on ensuring people knew where to go for help, using Cotswold Matters, Council newsletters and the Council’s website...”

“…help could be provided at a very local level and on ensuring people knew where to go for help, using Cotswold News, Council newsletters and the Council’s website...”


RESOLVED that, subject to amendments and corrections above being included, the minutes of the meeting of the November 2022 were approved as a correct record.


Voting Record – For 6, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 2


Chair's Announcements

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council announced that the Constitution had been reviewed and updated and reminded Councillors that meetings would be three hours in duration with a vote required to extend to four hours.  These would include Public Speaking sessions


The Leader of the Council also announced that a petition would be presented to the Committee within Public Questions.


The Leader of the Council also congratulated Ana Prelici on being appointed to the Democratic Services Team.


Public Questions

To deal with questions from the public within the open forum question and answer session of fifteen minutes in total. Questions from each member of the public should be no longer than two minutes each and relate to issues under Cabinet’s remit.

Additional documents:


A Member of the public was invited by the Leader to present to Cabinet on the Community Gardens Site in Kemble explaining that they are a highly valued local amenity within Kemble, and the petition was drafted to demonstrate this value and encourage the Council to ensure the amenity was retained.


There were no further Public Questions.


Member Questions

To deal with written questions by Members, relating to issues under the Cabinet’s remit, with the maximum length of oral supplementary questions at Cabinet being no longer than one minute. Responses to any supplementary questions will be dealt with in writing if they cannot be dealt with at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no Member Questions.


Old Station and Memorial Cottages - Refurbishment and Reuse Options pdf icon PDF 259 KB


To review options for the future use of the Old Station and Memorial Cottages, Cirencester and to agree which option should be further developed and costed.



That Cabinet resolves to:

a)    Agree to pursue Option 2 for both the Old Station and the Memorial Cottages, and instructs officers to either undertake an open market procurement for that renovation, and,

b)    Note that a report will be brought back to Cabinet for recommendation to Council, to proceed with Option 2, once costs have been tendered and subject to sufficient grant funding being  secured to achieve a minimum projected breakeven position.  Should insufficient external grant funding be secured Options to sell the properties will be reconsidered at that time.


Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to review options for the future use of the Old Station and Memorial Cottages, Cirencester and to agree which option should be further developed and costed.


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services introduced the report that proposed to bring both the grade 2 listed Railway Station and Cottages back into use for the community.


Cabinet noted that a number of options had been considered with different associated costs, and the recommendation was for the Council to seek external funding to develop both the station and cottages together, as this would provide greater capacity and flexibility and be more attractive to community organisations.


Cabinet noted that both of the cottages had tenants that would need to be sympathetically relocated.


RESOLVED Cabinet agree to pursue Option 2 for both the Old Station and the Memorial Cottages, and instructs officers to undertake an open market procurement for that renovation, and noted that a report will be brought back to Cabinet for recommendation to Council, to proceed with Option 2, once costs have been tendered and subject to sufficient grant funding being secured to achieve a minimum projected breakeven position. Should insufficient external grant funding be secured Options to sell the properties will be reconsidered at that time


Voting Record – For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1


Green Economic Growth Strategy - Six Monthly Update pdf icon PDF 239 KB


To update Cabinet Members on the progress in delivering the Council’s Green Economic Growth Strategy.



That Cabinet resolves to note the progress in delivering the Green Economic Growth Strategy.

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to update Cabinet Members on the progress in delivering the Council’s Green Economic Growth Strategy (GEGS).


The Cabinet Member for the Economy and Transformation introduced the report and context for the GEGS and the Economic Lead summarised an extensive range of initiatives that had been delivered or were in development that had generated up to 400 new quality jobs for the District.


Cabinet noted that the town-centre retail vacancy rate was low, compared with almost all other areas.


Cabinet noted that a £500,000 capital fund to improve broadband across the District had been carried forward from the previous administration but had still not been allocated or spent. The current financial crisis and very high interest rates had increased the cost of borrowing (including for local authorities) and consideration was now being given to broadening the range of initiatives that could benefit from the capital fund.


RESOLVED Cabinet noted progress in delivering the Green Economic Growth Strategy.


Infrastructure Funding Statement pdf icon PDF 103 KB


The Infrastructure Funding Statement is a national reporting requirement which provides an overview of all CIL and S106 monies collected, held and spent as well as a list of infrastructure projects that Cotswold District Council expects to be wholly or partly funded by CIL.



That Cabinet resolves to note the publication of the Infrastructure Funding Statement.

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to receive, consider and note the Infrastructure Funding Statement that was a national reporting requirement that provided an overview of all Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and S106 monies collected, held, and spent as well as a list of infrastructure projects that Cotswold District Council expected to be wholly or partly funded by CIL.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Forward Planning introduced the report that explained how infrastructure funds that were payable by developers of new housing developments, were calculated, captured and allocated.


Cabinet noted that there were two types of infrastructure funds payable by developers:

·         Section 106 Agreements had historically defined the sums of money payable for (for instance) Libraries, Primary Education etc based on the specific number of properties being built at a site, with consideration of the number of extra people occupying the site

·         Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was a more recent method of calculating payments based on the number of square metres or housing being built. CIL was considered to be easier to understand, enabled developers to make payments in instalments as a development was rolled out, and provided more overall funds for the for the local authority that could be allocated for a wider range of infrastructure projects.


Cabinet noted almost all S106 Agreement funds went to the County Council to provide infrastructure services and, although most CIL funds still went to the County Council, 15% or 25% of funds for an area were also given directly to Town and Parish Councils to be used to cover their local infrastructure priorities.


Cabinet noted that three payments to the Cotswold Water Park (Lower Mill and Cycle Ways x2) had not yet been spent and the Forward Planning Manager agreed to provide the reasons for this.


Cabinet noted that self-build constructions were exempt from CIL payments and  this meant missing out on funds that may have been payable through S106 Agreements. The Forward Planning Manager agreed to provide more information around self-builds.


RESOLVED: Cabinet noted the publication of the Infrastructure Funding Statement


Financial, Council Priority and Service Performance Report - 2022/23 Quarter Two pdf icon PDF 505 KB


To provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance

To provide information on the Council’s financial position



That Cabinet:

(a) Reviews overall progress on the Council priorities, service delivery and financial performance for 2022-23 Q2  

(b) Agree that if in the event the Council receives one-off income or cost savings, this is allocated to the Financial Resilience Reserve and not committed to fund existing or new/additional expenditure.

(c) Agree that as part of the final budget preparation process for 2023/24, a review of the Reserves and Balances strategy is undertaken to consider the adequacy of reserves in light of the financial risks faced by the Council

(d) Agree that the Chief Executive oversees the creation of a Cabinet Transform Working Group, tasked primarily with receiving regular updates on progress against the Publica savings and efficiencies target as part of an ongoing strategy to mitigate the forecast adverse financial position.

Additional documents:


The purpose of this report was to review progress on the Council’s priorities, service position and financial position.


The Chief Executive introduced the item and provided an overview of the report highlighting both good performance and instances where improvements were required.


The Deputy Chief Executive then introduced the financial section of the report and the overall status of the Council. The report showed details of the £1.24m adverse impacts on the Council due to reduced car parking charges and other incomes and increased costs due to the pay award and increased waste (fuel) costs.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance addressed Cabinet on the report in relation to the recommendations. There was also an amendment to recommend the inclusion of Ubico and other partners with the Council.


RESOLVED: Cabinet noted overall progress on the Council priorities, service delivery and financial performance for 2022-23 Q2 and AGREED that:

a)    if in the event the Council receives one-off income or cost savings, this is allocated to the Financial Resilience Reserve and not committed to fund existing or new/additional expenditure

b)    that as part of the final budget preparation process for 2023/24, a review of the Reserves and Balances strategy is undertaken to consider the adequacy of reserves in light of the financial risks faced by the Council

c)    that the Chief Executive oversees the creation of a Cabinet Transform Working Group, tasked primarily with receiving regular updates on progress against the Council, Publica and Ubico savings and efficiencies target as part of an ongoing strategy to mitigate the forecast adverse financial position


Voting Record – For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1


Schedule of Decisions taken by the Leader of the Council and/or Individual Cabinet Members pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


Cabinet noted the Schedule of Decisions taken by the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Members.



Issue(s) Arising from Overview and Scrutiny and/or Audit


To consider any issues or recommendations arising from meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and/or the Audit Committee.

Additional documents:


There were no issues arising from Overview and Scrutiny or Audit Committees