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Agenda and minutes

Venue: CDC Trinity Road, Cirencester, GL7 1PX

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies were received from Councillor Jenny Forde


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest from Members.


There were no declarations of interest from Officers.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 5th September 2022.

Additional documents:


Minute 18

(para 2) “…and the development of disabled access changing places and toilets.” Should read “…and the development of disabled access Changing Places toilets.”

(para 3) “The Cabinet noted that the disabled access changing places

and toilets located within commercial sites” should read “The Cabinet noted that the disabled access Changing Places toilets located within commercial sites

Minute 33

(para 2) “The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report and provided details of the additional costs that had been incurred by postponing the commencement of work from winter 2021” should read “The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report and provided details of the additional costs that had been, and would be incurred by postponing the commencement of work from winter 2021”

(para 3) “Cabinet noted the additional funding was required due to delaying the commencement of work to avoid the risk of the work causing inconvenience and loss of car park access during the village’s busy spring and summer tourist season” should read “Cabinet noted the additional funding was required due to delaying the commencement of work to avoid the risk of the work causing inconvenience and loss of car park access during the village’s busy spring tourist season”


Cabinet was Chaired by the Leader of the Councill, Councillor Joe Harris not Councillor Juliet Layton


RESOLVED that, subject to the amendments above the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 05 September were approved as a correct record.


Voting Record – For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1,


Chair's Announcements (if any)

Additional documents:


There were no announcements from the Chair.




Public Questions

To deal with questions from the public within the open forum question and answer session of fifteen minutes in total. Questions from each member of the public should be no longer than two minutes each and relate issues under the Committee’s remit.

Additional documents:


There were no Public Questions.


Member Questions

To deal with written questions by Members, relating to issues under the Committee’s remit, with the maximum length of oral supplementary questions at Committee being no longer than one minute. Responses to any supplementary questions will be dealt with in writing if they cannot be dealt with at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no Public Questions.


Data Retention Policy pdf icon PDF 102 KB


This report seeks approval for an updated Data Retention Policy to ensure compliance with the Council’s statutory obligations whilst at the same time being open and transparent in relation to records management.



That Cabinet approve the Data Retention Policy attached at Annex A

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to seek approval for an updated Data Retention Policy to ensure compliance with the Council’s statutory obligations, whilst at the same time being open and transparent in relation to records management.


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services introduced the report and summarised the policy that determined the methods and periods of time that data can be retained and disposed of by the Council.


Council noted the retention and disposal of most electronic data was automated and Officers and data-owners were regularly updated on their specific responsibilities for retention and disposal of other data. 


Council noted that all e-mails and press releases were deleted automatically after 3 years.


Council noted that Council Tax Support data was retained for 7 years, however electronic data from accounts that were not live on 1 April 2019 was not transferred to the current Council Tax system, and had not therefore been retained.  Data held in other ways would have been retained.


RESOLVED: Cabinet approved the Data Retention Policy attached at Annex A.


Voting Record – For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1,



Cabinet/Scrutiny Protocol - draft for consideration by the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 80 KB


Modernising the Constitution



Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are recommended to:

• Endorse the Executive/Scrutiny Protocol attached at Annex A

• Recommend to the Council that the Protocol be approved for inclusion in the Constitution.

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to provide Cabinet with the draft Executive/Scrutiny Protocol for consideration and, if approved, recommend to Council that the Protocol be approved for inclusion in the Constitution.


The Director for Governance introduced the report and summarised the proposed protocol that captures how the Executive (Cabinet, and Publica and CDC Senior Management) should interact and work together with Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED: Cabinet agreed to endorse the Executive/Scrutiny Protocol (attached at Annex A), and recommend to the Council that the Protocol be approved for inclusion in the Constitution, and that Overview and Scrutiny Committee were also recommended to endorse the Protocol..


Voting Record – For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1,



Draft Q1 Financial and Performance Report pdf icon PDF 273 KB


To provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance

To provide information on the Council’s financial position



That Cabinet:

(a) Reviews overall progress on the Council priorities, service delivery and financial performance for 2022-23 Q1;   

(b) Agrees and recommends to Full Council that following a successful bid for funding from the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities, the 2022-23 capital programme is adjusted to include a budget of £162,500 to install four accessible ‘Changing Places’ toilets across the district for people with severe disabilities.

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to provide an update on progress of the Council’s priorities and service performance and to provide information on the Council’s financial position.


The Chief Executive introduced the report and summarised how the Council’s key priorities had been progressed, and how the Council had performed against some of its key performance measures.


Cabinet noted that:

·         The number of flood wardens had increased

·         The Town and Parish Council forum was now established and working well

·         The number of missed bins had halved, year on year

·         The revenue figure showed a very small underspend when neighbouring authorities were reporting overspends of up to £2.8M.

·         Q2 would be more challenging due to the current financial climate.

·         The Digital Skills Centre had opened at Cirencester College

·         Share Prosperity Fund bid had delivered investment into the District


Cabinet welcomed the improvements to the Cotswold Water Park and thanked Councillor Layton for leading on this.


RESOLVED: Cabinet reviewed the overall progress on the Council priorities, service delivery and financial performance for 2022-23 Q1 and agreed to recommend to Full Council that following a successful bid for funding from the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities, the 2022-23 capital programme is adjusted to include a budget of £162,500 to install four accessible ‘Changing Places’ toilets across the district for people with severe disabilities.


Voting Record – For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1


Schedule of Decisions taken by the Leader of the Council and/or Individual Cabinet Members

There are no decisions for Cabinet to note.

Additional documents:


There were no decisions taken by the Leader of the Council or individual Cabinet Members to note.



Issue(s) Arising from Overview and Scrutiny and/or Audit

No issues advised in advance from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Audit Committee.

Additional documents:


There were no issues arising from Overview and Scrutiny or Audit Committees.