Agenda and minutes
Venue: CDC Trinity Road, Cirencester, GL7 1PX
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Coxcoon |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to items to be considered at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest from Members.
There were no declarations of interest from Officers |
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 4th July 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: Minute 18 (para 2) “…and the development of disabled access changing places.”, changed to “…and the development of disabled access changing places and toilets.” (para 3) “The Cabinet noted that the disabled access changing places located within commercial sites…”, changed to “The Cabinet noted that the disabled access changing places and toilets located within commercial sites” Minute 20 “Crowdfund
Cotswolds being put forward for a number of awards”, changed
to “Crowdfund Cotswold Minute 21 “The Cabinet Member for Change and Forward Planning…”, changed to “The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Forward Planning…” The Leader had also referred a number of agenda formatting changes and minor spelling corrections in reports to Democratic Services for amendment.
RESOLVED: Cabinet APPROVED the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet of 6 June 2022 as a correct record subject to the relevant amendments being made.
Record of Voting – for: 6, against: 0, abstention: 1, absent: 1 |
Chair's Announcements (if any) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair encouraged everyone to take time out to watch the Tour of Britain Cycle Race that would be travelling down the Fosse Way and through the Cotswolds, hopefully encouraging more visitors to the Cotswolds. |
Public Questions To deal with questions from the public within the open forum question and answer session of fifteen minutes in total. Questions from each member of the public should be no longer than two minutes each and relate issues under the Committee’s remit. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions from the Public.
Bleddington Resident Ian Simpson had submitted a Public Question that was read out by Councillor Cunningham, referring to Flood Protection Measures that will not be completed until 2023. Would the Council consider allocating funds, with other local authorities, to protect residents as part of its commitment to responding to climate change?
Councillor Doherty stated that funds would be made available and how and when this would be delivered would be detailed in a written reply to Mr Simpson.
A question from another member of the public was expected, but the person did not attend.
Member Questions To deal with written questions by Members, relating to issues under the Committee’s remit, with the maximum length of oral supplementary questions at Committee being no longer than one minute. Responses to any supplementary questions will be dealt with in writing if they cannot be dealt with at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions from Members |
Review Of Cotswold District Council's Hackney Carriage Table Of Fares PDF 97 KB Purpose To consider the objections received during the consultation period of the review of the Hackney Carriage (taxi) table of fares and agree the adoption of a new table of fares.
Recommendation(s) That Cabinet: a) considers the objections received in response to the proposal consulted upon; and b) agrees to adopt the revised hackney carriage table of fares shown in red as set out in Annex A with or without modifications. Additional documents:
Minutes: The purpose of this report was to consider the objections received during the consultation period of the review of the Hackney Carriage (taxi) table of fares and agree the adoption of a new table of fares.
The Cabinet Member for Development and Licensing introduced the report and summarised the proposed new Hackney Carriage tariffs and the comments and feedback responses from Hackney Carriage licence owners.
Cabinet noted an alternative set of proposed tariffs had been submitted, but could not currently be considered alongside the first set.
Cabinet noted that the proposed new tariffs were maximum amounts that could be charged, and taxi drivers were able to charge less if they chose to do so (which is currently the case).
Cabinet noted that the tariffs had been set at an amount that would enable taxi driving to remain viable at a time of rising operational costs.
RESOLVED: Cabinet considered the report and the objections received in response to the proposal, and agreed to adopt the revised proposed hackney carriage table of fares shown in Annex A.
Record of Voting – for: 7, against: 0, abstention: 0, absent: 1 |
Decision Taken by the Chief Executive under Urgency Powers PDF 138 KB Purpose To note the decision take by the Chief Executive under Urgency Powers. Additional documents:
Minutes: The purpose of this report was to note the use of urgency powers by the Chief Executive to underwrite the costs incurred by Bromford Housing Association in the preparation of a planning application for a net carbon zero affordable housing development at Down Ampney.
The Chief Executive introduced the report and summarised his decision to underwrite a set amount of funds to the Council’s preferred partner, Bromford Housing Association, to provide comfort and recognise their costs involved in preparing the planning application, and the fact the Council could withdraw from this process.
RESOLVED: Cabinet NOTED the urgent decision to allocate funding for a net zero carbon affordable housing development at Broadleaze, Down Ampney. |
Purpose To appraise Cabinet of construction cost increases and seek a further funding allocation to enable works to proceed in the Autumn 2022.
Recommendation(s) That Cabinet agrees to additional funding of £70,107 to enable the planned works at Rissington Road car park, Bourton on the Water to proceed. Additional documents: Minutes: The purpose of this report was to appraise Cabinet of construction cost increases and seek a further funding allocation to enable works to proceed at Rissington Road Car Park, Bourton on the Water in the Winter 2022
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report and provided details of the additional costs that had been incurred by postponing the commencement of work from winter 2021
Cabinet noted the additional funding was required due to delaying the commencement of work to avoid the risk of the work causing inconvenience and loss of car park access during the village’s busy spring and summer tourist season.
RESOLVED: Cabinet agreed to additional funding of £70,107 from the Capital Receipts Reserve to enable the planned works at Rissington Road car park, Bourton on the Water to proceed.
Record of Voting – for: 7, against: 0, abstention: 0, absent: 1 |
Options and Funding Allocation for Roof Repairs to Trinity Road Council Offices PDF 436 KB Purpose To consider high level options for improvement of roofs at the Cotswold District Council’s Offices at Trinity Road, Cirencester
Recommendation(s) That Cabinet agrees that based on the high level option appraisal, the options at 2.2 of this report for glazing replacement and recovering to flat roofs are pursued to provide a more sustainable solution. A further report will be brought back to Cabinet for recommendation to Council once works have been tendered, seeking allocation of budget to fund the repairs and improvements. Additional documents: Minutes: The purpose of this report was to consider high level options for improvement of roofs at the Cotswold District Council’s Offices at Trinity Road, Cirencester.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services introduced the report and summarised the high level option appraisal and options within the report for glazing replacement (using Kingspan) and re-covering to flat roofs (using Alumasc). It was recommended that these should be pursued to provide a more sustainable solution
Cabinet noted that a further report would be brought back to Cabinet for consideration and recommendation to Council once works had been tendered, and a figure did not need to be set immediately.
Cabinet noted a standard 40 year lifespan for the roof had been assumed within the report.
RESOLVED: Cabinet agreed that based on the high level option appraisal, the options at 2.3 of the report for glazing replacement and recovering to flat roofs are pursued to provide a more sustainable solution. A further report will be brought back to Cabinet for recommendation to Council once works have been tendered, seeking allocation of budget to fund the repairs and improvements.
Record of Voting – for: 7, against: 0, abstention: 0, absent: 1 |
Use of Unilateral Undertaking Funding for Moreton-in-Marsh Integrated Transport Hub PDF 110 KB Purpose To seek approval to contribute £250,000 to the Moreton-in-Marsh Town Council community infrastructure schemes.
Recommendation(s) That Cabinet: a) Agrees and recommends to full Council that the Council enters into a grant agreement with Moreton-in-Marsh (MIM) Town Council to provide a contribution of £250,000 to the MIM community infrastructure schemes as Annex A; b) Notes that the £250,000 is funded from a developer contribution which was received by the Council under a Unilateral Undertaking agreement entered into in 2014. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair reminded Cabinet of the exempt annexes of the report set out in the private document pack, and any information from these would need to be discussed in private session.
The purpose of the report was to seek approval to contribute £250,000 to the Moreton-in-Marsh Town Council community infrastructure schemes
The Cabinet Member for Development Management and Licensing introduced the report and summarised the proposals to provide a contribution of £250,000 to the Moreton-In-Marsh community infrastructure schemes as part funding of the development of an integrated transport hub and the refurbishment of Redesdale Hall.
Cabinet noted that the Unilateral Undertaking agreement entered into with the Fire Service College in 2014 required the Council to spend or commit the £250,000 funds by 17 November 2022 or pay back the funds (with interest)
Cabinet noted that the amount of the fund would require a Full Council decision to commit the funds and the recommendation would be referred to Council held on 21September 2022
Cabinet noted that a description of the proposed Integrated Transport Hub was available on the Morton-In-Marsh Town Council website.
RESOLVED: Cabinet agreed and would recommend to full Council that the Council entered into a grant agreement with Moreton-in-Marsh Town Council to provide a contribution of £250,000 to the Moreton-In Marsh community infrastructure schemes as Annex A, and noted that the £250,000 was funded from a developer contribution which was received by the Council under a Unilateral Undertaking agreement entered into in 2014
Record of Voting – for: 7, against: 0, abstention: 0, absent: 1 |
Schedule of Decisions taken by the Leader of the Council and/or Individual Cabinet Members PDF 59 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet noted the Schedule of Decisions taken by the Leader of the council and individual Cabinet Members. |
Issue(s) Arising from Overview and Scrutiny and/or Audit PDF 159 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet considered the following issue arising from Audit Committee 27 July 2022
Audit Committee Agenda Item 8 - Internal Audit Annual Opinion
Audit Committee noted that a Risk Management Group had been established to look at operational risks and identify those that needed to be included in the Corporate Risk Register. This Group had identified an increase to risk CRR-016 - Local Plan that related to the Council’s ability to meet increased government housing need figures.
Audit Committee considered that losing the 5-year Housing Land Supply could have significant environmental and political implications from subsequent unplanned development, and this increased risk should be referred to Cabinet for consideration.
Cabinet noted that the loss of the 5-year Housing Land Supply would also compromise the Council’s ability to use the Local Plan to determine Planning Applications.
Cabinet noted the comments from the Audit Committee. |