Issue - meetings
Amendments to the Constitution - Report of the Constitution Working Group (March 2025)
Meeting: 19/03/2025 - Council (Item 10.)
10. Amendments to the Constitution - Report of the Constitution Working Group (March 2025) PDF 543 KB
To consider proposals from the Constitution Working Group for amendments to the Constitution.
That Council resolves to:
- Agree to remove the words “The Chief Executive will act as the Cost Centre Manager for that budget” from paragraph 4.18 of Part D6: Overview and Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules.
- Approve the Protocol for Webcasting Meetings (Annex A) for inclusion in the Constitution.
- Delegate authority to the Director of Governance and Development to update the Protocol for Webcasting Meetings in the event that the government changes the law to enable remote attendance and/or proxy voting at local authority meetings.
- Approve the changes to Part D1 11.3 to clarify how questions on notice will be dealt with at Cabinet and Committee meetings (Annex B).
- Approve the updated Probity in Licensing Protocol (Annex C).
- Approve the updated Contract rules (Annex D).
Additional documents:
- Annex A - Webcasting Protocol, item 10.
PDF 476 KB
- Annex B - Part D1 Extract - Questions on Notice at Cabinet and Committee Meetings, item 10.
PDF 461 KB
- Annex C - Draft Contract Procedure Rules, item 10.
PDF 970 KB
- Annex D - Probity in Licensing - Suggested Updated Policy, item 10.
PDF 195 KB
- Webcast for Amendments to the Constitution - Report of the Constitution Working Group (March 2025)