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Issue - meetings

Amendments to the Constitution - Report of the Constitution Working Group (March 2025)

Meeting: 19/03/2025 - Council (Item 10.)

10. Amendments to the Constitution - Report of the Constitution Working Group (March 2025) pdf icon PDF 543 KB


To consider proposals from the Constitution Working Group for amendments to the Constitution.



That Council resolves to:

  1. Agree to remove the words “The Chief Executive will act as the Cost Centre Manager for that budget” from paragraph 4.18 of Part D6: Overview and Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules.
  2. Approve the Protocol for Webcasting Meetings (Annex A) for inclusion in the Constitution.
  3. Delegate authority to the Director of Governance and Development to update the Protocol for Webcasting Meetings in the event that the government changes the law to enable remote attendance and/or proxy voting at local authority meetings.
  4. Approve the changes to Part D1 11.3 to clarify how questions on notice will be dealt with at Cabinet and Committee meetings (Annex B).
  5. Approve the updated Probity in Licensing Protocol (Annex C).
  6. Approve the updated Contract rules (Annex D).


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