Issue - meetings
Low Income Families Tracker (LIFT)
Meeting: 05/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 34)
34 Low Income Families Tracker (LIFT) PDF 548 KB
To brief members on the implementation of the Low-Income Family Tracker
That Cabinet resolves to:
1. Note the report; and
2. Note the external funding for the project but approve to underwrite the cost of the LIFT Licences and any associated costs estimated at £33,000.
Additional documents:
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Joe Harris on behalf of Councillor Claire Bloomer introduced the report.
Councillor Paul Hodgkinson seconded the report.
There were various comments on the reports contents.
That Cabinet resolves to:
1. NOTED the report; and
2. NOTED the external funding for the project and APPROVED to underwrite the cost of the LIFT Licences and any associated costs estimated at £33,000.
5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Joe Harris, on behalf of Councillor Claire Bloomer introduced the report.
- The Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) was an important tool in the Council’s mission to support those in communities who were struggling the most as an integral part of the Council’s corporate priorities.
- The project would use data from various sources such as Council Tax Support, Universal Credit Claims, and housing benefit.
- By segmenting data into types of households and locations, the Council would be able to better target support.
- The LIFT system would help local residents affected by national benefit changes.
- Residents were also supported over time in the LIFT system to ensure support is adapted as necessary.
Councillor Paul Hodgkinson seconded the report and made the following points:
- LIFT would be a transformative tool for supporting residents in the Cost of Living Crisis.
- As one of the first councils to take up LIFT, the proactive approach to tackling these cost of living issues would provide savings on spending such as emergency accommodation measures.
- Individual Council wards could be targeted more effectively through LIFT and this would allow for better outcomes.
It was highlighted that the Warm and Well Programme would work alongside LIFT to help reduce carbon emissions and reduce energy costs for residents.
There were thanks were given to the many officers who have worked on delivery of the project.
It was highlighted that the first year licences would be provided through funding from the National Health Service.