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Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles (Policy) Review 2024

Meeting: 27/11/2024 - Council (Item 55)

55 Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles (Policy) Review 2024 pdf icon PDF 544 KB


The report details the revisions to the Council’s Statement of Principles (Gambling Act 2005), based on legislative requirements, statutory guidance and any amendments following public consultation.



That Full Council approve:

1.    The Statement of Principles; and,

2.    That the Council continues to adopt a “no-casino resolution” for inclusions in the published Gambling Act 2005 Licensing Policy Statement.


Additional documents:


The report details the revisions to the Council’s Statement of

Principles (Gambling Act 2005), based on legislative requirements,

statutory guidance and any amendments following public



Councillor Ray Brassington as Chair of the Planning and Licensing Committee introduced the report and made the following points:


·         Thanks were given to officers for their work on the report

·         Licensing authorities are required every 3 years to draft a Statement of Principles and these are then sent out for consultation with the police, Town and Parish Councils and residents.

·         No comments were received from the Consultees.

·         Following the report being received by the Planning and Licensing Committee, some minor amendments were made to it.

·         The recommendation was therefore that the Council adopts a ‘no-casino’ resolution.


There was a question around the basis for the decision in wishing to adopt a ‘no-casino’ resolution. It was noted in reply by Councillor Brassington and then also by the Leader of the Council that the resolution ensures the Council has a mechanism to determine if it wishes to allow casinos in the District. The starting point for this would be having no casinos. Without this approve ‘no-casino’ resolution, the Council would not have the ability to determine this.


There was a question around the exchange of information with other bodies. Mandy Fathers noted in reply the Council does share information with bodies like the Police. However, the Gambling Act was noted to be an area that will be examined in 2025 and an overhaul of these provisions was likely.


Councillor Julia Judd then spoke as the seconder and made the following points:


·         The resolution would make sure the District was protected for the future.

·         The Planning and Licensing Committee had examined this item as the only item on its agenda at the meeting.

·         Paragraph 2.2 of the report was highlighted as the underlying principles of the licensing authority.


It was noted that the document needed to be approved before 31st January 2025 to ensure the safeguards remain in place, and whilst this was the only item on the Planning and Licensing Committee agenda, that Committee was one of the consultees.