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Issue - meetings

Petition: Cotswold District Council retain the public toilets in the High Street/Market Square, Stow on the Wold

Meeting: 03/10/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8.)

8. Petition: Retain the Public Toilets in the High Street/Market Square, Stow-on-the-Wold pdf icon PDF 105 KB


For Cabinet to consider a petition submitted under the Local Petition Scheme (Part F of the Constitution) which has been referred to Cabinet by full Council.



That Cabinet resolves to either:

  1. Agree to the petition request to keep open the public conveniences in the High Street / Market Square, Stow-on-the-Wold and instead close the public conveniences in Maugersbury Road; or
  2. Agree to note the petition and take no further action.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 25/09/2024 - Council (Item 8.)

8. Petition: Retain the public toilets in the High Street/Market Square, Stow-on-the-Wold pdf icon PDF 104 KB


For Council to consider a petition submitted under the Local Petition Scheme (Part F of the Constitution).



That Council resolves to either:

1.    Make recommendations to Cabinet as the decision-maker for the request to be considered.

2.    Refer the petition to Overview and Scrutiny Committee for review.

3.    Note the petition and take no further action.

Additional documents: