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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/09/2024 - Planning and Licensing Committee (Item 44)

44 Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles (Policy) Review 2024 pdf icon PDF 105 KB


The report details the statutory requirement to review the current Policy and provide Committee with a draft document for consultation.



That the Committee:

1.    Considers the draft Statement of Principles at Annex A; and,

2.    That, subject to any further amendments, a consultation exercise to seek the views of the trade and relevant stakeholders on the revised Policy be approved.



Additional documents:


The Business Manager for the Environmental, Welfare and Revenue Service introduced the report. They explained that the Council was required to review the policy once every three years. The Business Manager explained the amendments to the report, which were minor.


Members discussed the report;

  • The Business Manager explained that statutory guidance required the Council to consult on its Gambling policy once every three years regardless of the extent of changes.
  • A member referred to a previous full Council resolution to not allow casino licenses. They suggested that this could be reviewed the next time the policy was reviewed.


Councillor Mark Harris proposed accepting the recommendations. The proposal was seconded by Councillor David Fowles.


RESOLVED: That the Planning and Licensing Committee

1. NOTE the draft Statement of Principles at Annex A; and,

2. APPROVE that a consultation exercise be carried out to seek the views of the trade and relevant stakeholders on the revised Policy.


Voting record- For 10, against 0, abstain 0