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Community Infrastructure Levy Spending

Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 30)

30 Community Infrastructure Levy and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace Spending 2024 pdf icon PDF 130 KB


For Cabinet to review officer recommendations on external bids for funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (Cotswold Beechwoods SAC) funds held by the Council.



That Cabinet resolves to:

1.    Agree to fund the following bids:

·         Bid 1 – Kemble to Steadings Greenway (Sustrans)

·         Bid 2 – Cirencester to Kemble Cycle Link (GCC)

·         Bid 3 – Bourton-on-the-Water Interchange Hub (GCC)

·         Bid 4 – Footpath in Moreton-in-Marsh (GCC)

·         Bid 5 – The Forum Interchange Hub (GCC)

·         Bid 7 – Sherborne Big Nature, Better Access (National Trust)

2.    Note bid 6 Moreton-in-Marsh Transport Hub / Interchange and Station Improvement Works (MiM TC/GWR) and encourage resubmission once the issues raised at paragraph 8.3 have been resolved.


Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to review officer recommendations on external bids for funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy and Suitable Alternative

Natural Greenspace (Cotswold Beechwoods SAC) funds held by the



The Cabinet Member for Planning and Regulatory Services, Councillor Juliet Layton proposed the recommendations with an additional recommendation which read:


Agree to fund bid 3 – Bourton-on-the-Water Interchange Hub (GCC) on the understanding that the funds for the bus stop ‘opposite the War Memorial’ will not be released until an agreement is reached between GCC and Bourton-on-the-Water PC on the final design and layout.


Councillor Jon Wareing was invited to address Cabinet regarding Bid 3 as a District Councillor and a Bourton-on-the-Water Parish Councillor.


The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Juliet Layton and seconded by Councillor Mike McKeown.



RESOLVED: That Cabinet

1.    AGREED to fund the following bids:

·        Bid 1 – Kemble to Steadings Greenway (Sustrans)

·        Bid 2 – Cirencester to Kemble Cycle Link (GCC)

·        Bid 3 – Bourton-on-the-Water Interchange Hub (GCC)

·        Bid 4 – Footpath in Moreton-in-Marsh (GCC)

·        Bid 5 – The Forum Interchange Hub (GCC)

·        Bid 7 – Sherborne Big Nature, Better Access (National Trust)

2.    AGREED to fund bid 3 – Bourton-on-the-Water Interchange Hub (GCC) on the understanding that the funds for the bus stop ‘opposite the War Memorial’ will not be released until an agreement is reached between GCC and Bourton-on-the-Water PC on the final design and layout.

3.    NOTED bid 6 – Moreton-in-Marsh Transport Hub / Interchange and Station Improvement Works (MiM TC/GWR) and encourage resubmission once the issues raised at paragraph 8.3 have been resolved.


Voting Record


5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention, 3 Absent/Did not vote








The purpose of the report was to review officer recommendations on external bids for funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (Cotswold Beechwoods SAC) funds held by the Council.


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Regulatory Services, Councillor Juliet Layton, proposed the recommendations with an additional recommendation which read:


Agree to fund bid 3 – Bourton-on-the-Water Interchange Hub (GCC) on the understanding that the funds for the bus stop ‘opposite the War Memorial’ will not be released until an agreement is reached between GCC and Bourton-on-the-Water PC on the final design and layout.


During the presentation of the items, the following points were outlined:

·         The 7 bids were considered using the scoring matrix at Annex A.

·         The bids were then outlined in turn:

-       Bid 1 – Kemble to Steadings Greenway (submitted by Sustrans) was for £181,301, to develop outline designs for a greenway between Kemble and The Steadings near Cirencester which was recommended for approval.

-       Bid 2 – Cirencester to Kemble Cycle Link (submitted by Gloucestershire County Council) was linked to Bid 1 for a design for a cycle path from Cirencester which would link the path recommended for approval in Bid 1. The assessment of the application showed the requirement for a further cost breakdown to be provided. Therefore, conditional approval was recommended.

-       Bid 3 – Bourton-on-the-Water Interchange Hub (submitted by Gloucestershire County Council) was for £137,700 to deliver 3 new bus stops in Bourton to service local bus services. Whilst this was recommended for approval, this was done subject to the new recommendation being considered for the third bus stop.

-       Bid 4 – Footpath in Moreton-in-Marsh (submitted by Gloucestershire County Council) was for £146,030.17 which was recommended for approval.

-       Bid 5 – The Forum Interchange Hub (submitted by Gloucestershire County Council) was for £66,300 for upgrades to the bus shelters in Cirencester which was recommended for approval.

-       Bid 6 – Moreton-in-Marsh Transport Hub/Interchange and Station Improvement Works (submitted by Moreton-in-Marsh Town Council/Great Western Railway) was for £2,216,000 to create a new transport interchange and provide upgrades to the current station facilities. Due to the lack of planning permission, this was recommended for refusal although the Council noted its support for the project. The report also encourages a resubmission of the application in the future.

-       Bid 7 – Sherborne Big Nature, Better Access (submitted by National Trust) was for £30,000 for improvements to the current footpaths and facilities to support the Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation. The project was recommended for approval.


The Chair then invited Councillor Jon Wareing was invited to address Cabinet regarding Bid 3 as a District Councillor for Bourton Village and a Bourton-on-the-Water Parish Councillor. Councillor Wareing was delighted by the new arrangement brokered by Councillor Hodgkinson as a Gloucestershire County Councillor for Bourton-on-the-Water following the lack of consultation before. It was noted that for subsequent projects needed local consultation at the beginning which would help avoid future aggravation.


Cabinet welcomed the support  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30