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Update on the Council’s involvement in and support for Cost of Living related initiatives

Meeting: 07/11/2024 - Cabinet (Item 24)

24 Update on the Council’s involvement in and support for Cost of Living related initiatives pdf icon PDF 434 KB


To update Cabinet on the Council’s work to support people affected by the cost of living crisis.



That Cabinet resolves to:

  1. Note the Council’s work to support communities with the cost of living.

2.    Request that the Cost of Living Steering Group continues to consider further opportunities to support communities with the cost of living.

Additional documents:


The purpose of the item was to update the Cabinet on the Council’s work to support people affected by the cost of living crisis.


The Cabinet Member for Cost of Living and Inclusion introduced the item.


The recommendations were proposed by the Cabinet Member for Cost of Living and Inclusion and seconded by the Leader.


RESOLVED: That Cabinet:

1.    NOTED the Council’s work to support communities with the cost of living.

2.    REQUESTED that the Cost of Living Steering Group continues to consider further opportunities to support communities with the cost of living.


The purpose of the item was to update the Cabinet on the Council’s work to support people affected by the cost of living crisis.


The Cabinet Member for Cost of Living and Inclusion introduced the item and made the following points:


  • Thanks were given to officers and to partners such as Citizens Advice Bureau for their report on the initiatives and for their work.
  • The Council was working on long-term solutions as well as short-term relief with an example highlighted of the Cirencester Food Pantry that brings communities together.
  • The Cotswold Food Network was noted as example of bringing together stakeholders to provide all residents with nutritious locally sourced food.
  • 30 community groups had been uplifted by the Council.
  • The Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) programme was highlighted as an example to use data to provide targeted support before income issues become a crisis.
  • The Household Support Fund provided energy rebates for residents during a difficult time for energy prices.
  • The Holiday Activity Food (HAF) Programme provides wellbeing support for children within the District.
  • The recent loss of winter fuel payments meant that pensioners would need to be encouraged to apply for pension credit, and the Council was actively supporting these efforts.


Cabinet noted the work of all officers in the Council for supporting these various initiatives by the Council.


It was highlighted that 30,000-40,000 people in the District on Winter Fuel Allowance would be supported through existing schemes as much as possible.


Clarification was provided about Cotswold Food Network as a network run by Council Officers for different partners to discuss ideas for communities. It was also clarified that The Food Pantry was separate to Foodbanks as the pantry was available to all but both did positive work in communities.


There was a question regarding hard copies of material for the HAF programme for libraries and schools to distribute. It was noted as a good idea to help promoting the programme.


It was noted that the work of officers in regard to retrofit within homes will help support those struggling with the cost of bills alongside benefitting the environment.


It was noted that the current funding from the UK Government for the HAF programme was coming to an end, and arrangements were being put in place to mitigate against this.


The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Claire Bloomer and seconded by Councillor Joe Harris