Issue - meetings
Continuation of Crowdfund Cotswold
Meeting: 25/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 9)
9 Continuation of Crowdfund Cotswold PDF 97 KB
To determine whether to continue with the Council’s Crowdfunding approach, Crowdfund Cotswold.
That Cabinet resolves to:
1. Agree to continue with Crowdfund Cotswold, and let a three-year contract with Spacehive;
2. Agree to make provision for a Community Grant pot in the Budget, at £60,000 per annum.
Additional documents:
The purpose of the report was to determine whether to continue with the Council’s Crowdfunding approach, Crowdfund Cotswold.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Safety Councillor Spivey outlined the report to Members.
The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Lisa Spivey and seconded by Councillor Joe Harris.
That Cabinet:
1. AGREED to continue with Crowdfund Cotswold, and let a three-year contract with Spacehive;
2. AGREED to make provision for a Community Grant pot in the Budget, at £60,000
per annum.
The purpose of the report was to determine whether to continue with the Council’s crowdfunding approach, Crowdfund Cotswold.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Safety, Councillor Spivey, outlined the report to Members and made the following points:
- This was the Council’s main platform for communities to raise money.
- Previously Councillors were allocated funds to distribute amongst communities which wasn’t seen as an equitable way to distribute funds.
- Community engagement when raising the funds was important to ensure that communities had a say in which projects they wanted to support.
- There was a cost in running the SpaceHive platform but this provided the website, the platform and the SpaceHive team in providing support for proposers of projects.
- The Council had raised over £1 million for projects in the District from individuals with only a small use of Council funds which provided a strong evidence base.
- The Council had won a Local Government Chronicle award because of the scheme and West Oxfordshire District Council and Stroud District Council had followed this example with their own schemes.
Councillor Joe Harris in seconding noted that the scheme put communities at the forefront of these decisions and democratised the process. It was also noted that the individual donations varied in size but all contributed to supporting projects.
Cabinet thanked former Councillor and Cabinet Member Jenny Forde and the Communities Team for their work in developing the initial scheme.
It was noted that many of the schemes also supported the Council’s corporate priorities.
The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Lisa Spivey and seconded by Councillor Joe Harris.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
1. AGREED to continue with Crowdfund Cotswold, and let a three-year contract with SpaceHive;
2. AGREED to make provision for a Community Grant pot in the Budget, at £60,000
per annum.
Voting Record
6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions, 2 Absent/Did not vote