Issue - meetings
Feedback on Waste Round Rezoning
Meeting: 04/11/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 117)
117 Feedback on Waste Round Rezoning PDF 305 KB
To provide the Committee with feedback on the recent waste collection round rezoning project.
That Overview and Scrutiny Committee resolves to:
1. Note the update
2. Agree any recommendations it wishes to submit to the Cabinet meeting on 7 November
Councillor Mike Evemy, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance
Simon Anthony, Business Manager for Environmental Services
Kevin Attwood, Ubico
Additional documents:
The purpose of the item was to provide the Committee with feedback on the recent waste collection round rezoning project.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the item. In doing so he apologised for the missed bin collections and said that these had been partly caused by exceptional levels of sickness absences at Ubico. The Deputy Leader explained that the levels of missed collections had almost returned to the levels prior to the service change in June. The Business Manager for Contracts and Waste added that missed collections were often collected within 24 hours of the original collection.
In discussing the report, Members raised the following points;
- Whether solutions like what3words could be used for collections. The Ubico Head of Operations explained that, while this was possible, it didn’t resolve issues such as historic expectations e.g. of putting the bins out at the rear of the property, which would require historic knowledge.
- Members asked if there were any best practices, e.g. from neighbouring authorities that could be incorporated to make savings. The Ubico Head of Operations explained that they were not aware of any unexplored. The Deputy Leader stated that they could identify opportunities for savings within the budget setting process.
- It was stated that the reporting process could be improved by the use of quality management tools.
RESOLVED: The Committee NOTED the report