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Business And Planning Act 2020 - Update To Pavement Licensing Regime

Meeting: 12/06/2024 - Planning and Licensing Committee (Item 9)

9 Business And Planning Act 2020 - Update To Pavement Licensing Regime pdf icon PDF 80 KB


Draft Pavement License Policy document for approval following the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act making permanent the pavement licensing regime.



That the Planning and Licensing Committee resolves to recommend that Council:

1.            Approves the draft policy; subject to any further amendments; and

2.            Approves the new fees as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the report.

Additional documents:


The Licensing Officer introduced the report. The purpose of the item was to present the draft Pavement License Policy document for approval following the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act making the pavement licensing regime permanent.


Members discussed the report, raising the following questions, which were answered by the Licensing Officer and the Head of Planning Services;

  • A-boards were covered under advertisement regulations (a planning function) and were not part of a pavement license.
  • Litter bins were also not covered, as the expectation was that litter would be dealt with as any other litter from a business would be.
  • The background to the application was discussed. The Pavement Licensing Policy was made permanent after initially being introduced as temporary legislation over COVID, the fees were now being increased to reflect the cost of administering it, which had also increased.
  • New applications would be consulted upon as part of usual licensing processes.


The Committee moved on to vote on the recommendations as set out in report.