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2023-24 Final Revenue and Capital Outturn Report

Meeting: 25/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 11.)

11. 2023-24 Final Revenue and Capital Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 554 KB


This report sets of the outturn position for the 2023/24 financial year.



That Cabinet resolves to:

1.    Review and note the outturn financial position set out in this report;

2.    Approve the carry forward of unspent capital budget included in table 5 of £1.114m into the 2023/24 Capital Programme;

3.    Approve the transfers to and from reserves, as set out in Paragraphs 4.28 to 4.30 and Annex C;

4.    Note the changes to provisions as set out in paragraphs 4.33 and 4.34;

5.    Approve the closing balance on the Financial Resilience Reserve and the commitment to fund the Council’s share of the estimated redundancy costs associated with Phase 1 of the transfer of services from Publica to the Council (up to £0.300m).


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Meeting: 22/07/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 13.)

13. 2023-24 Final Revenue and Capital Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 555 KB


This report sets of the outturn position for the 2023/24 financial year.



That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee resolves to:

1.            Review and note the outturn financial position set out in this report



Councillor Mike Evemy, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance

David Stanley, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer


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