Issue - meetings
Building the Budget
Meeting: 02/09/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 102)
102 Building the Budget PDF 337 KB
To provide members of Overview and Scrutiny committee an outline of the Council’s budget setting process, key decision points, and a brief outline of the administration’s approach to the annual budget consultation.
That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee resolves to:
1. Note the report on Building the Budget.
2. Consider and recommendations it wishes Cabinet to consider for the 2025/26 Budget Consultation.
Councillor Mike Evemy, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance
David Stanley, Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Deputy Leader introduced the report. He explained that the report outlined the cycle within the budget building process. The next report to the Committee would be considered at its meeting in November.
The purpose of the item was to provide members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee an outline of the Council’s budget setting process, key decision points, and a brief outline of the administration’s approach to the annual budget consultation.
Members discussed the report, raising the following points;
- The impact of the Publica Transition on the budget and its timeline. The Cabinet Member for Finance explained that the cost of the staff transfers would be factored into the budget but that the transformation of the services could not be estimated.
- In relation to the Pay Award there was a typo within the report, where it read ‘April 2023’ instead of April 2024.
- The Arlingclose (treasury advisory firm) contract was due to be reviewed and would be managed closely.
RESOLVED: To NOTE the report.