Issue - meetings
Community Safety Partnership Update
Meeting: 04/11/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 116)
116 Community Safety Partnership Update PDF 260 KB
To provide updates and RAG rating against the ‘Cotswold Community Safety Partnership’ Plan for the period of April 2024 to September 2024.
1. Note overall progress of the Cotswold Community Safety Partnership
2. Agree any recommendations to the Cabinet meeting on 7 November that the partnership should consider.
Councillor Lisa Spivey, Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Safety
Jacqueline Wright, Business Manager – Leisure and Wellbeing
Additional documents:
- Annex A Cotswold CSP Plan 2024-25, item 116 PDF 570 KB
- ANNEX B Cotswold CSP Action Plan 2024-25, item 116 PDF 211 KB
- Webcast for Community Safety Partnership Update
The purpose of the item was to provide updates and RAG ratings against the ‘Cotswold Community Safety Partnership’ Plan for the period of April 2024 to September 2024.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Safety introduced the item. The Cabinet Member explained that at the previous meeting they had committed to introducing ‘Red Amber Green’ ratings and clear actions for delivery. She explained that the report set these targets out.
Members discussed the report, raising the following;
- Members asked how data was captured for the statistics on Antisocial Behaviour was discussed. The Cabinet Member explained that the report relied on people reporting instances of anti-social behaviour (ASB) to the police.
- There was discussion about the Committee’s crime and disorder responsibilities under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. The Head of Democratic and Electoral Services explained that as part of this, the Committee had the ability to make recommendations to the Council’s Cabinet but there was no requirement to do so.
- In response to questions on the structure of the partnership, the Cabinet Member explained that the Community Safety Partnership sat within the broader Gloucestershire partnership.
- The Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) domestic abuse champion scheme was discussed. This was open to Members to attend, and two had completed the training. Democratic Services had written to Members about this and would send a reminder.
- Members stated that the community alerts programme was working well.
- It was stated that the Cotswold Community Safety Partnership could take a more systematic approach on their work. The Cabinet Member stated that they would report this back to the partnership.
RESOLVED: The Committee NOTED the report.