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Issue - meetings

Sewage Summit report

Meeting: 25/09/2024 - Council (Item 11.)

11. Sewage Summit Update pdf icon PDF 220 KB


The purpose of the report is to provide an update to all Councillors on the Sewage Summit event that took place on 8 July 2024, the meetings held with the 3 water companies and 2 workshops that took place leading up to the event,  along with outlining a series of recommendations associated with these.



That Council resolves to:

  1. Note the report and approve the following recommendations;
    1. The Chief Executive writes to Government requesting they:

                                                               i.      Make Water Companies Statutory Consultees for both Development Control and in preparing Local and Strategic Plans;

                                                             ii.      Introduce clear mandatory controls on storm water drainage for all development.

  1. Introduce a validation checklist and matrix of Grampian conditions.
  2. Incorporate policies within the new Local Plan to optimise water efficiency for new houses.
  3. Consider, subject to a business case and affordability including in the 2025-26 budget process funding for a specialist Officer to work with the Flood Risk Management Team and Planning service to liaise between Developers and the Water Companies along with related bodies.
  4. Continue to develop an effective Communication Strategy to outline to residents the statutory obligations and powers of each local government body and other relevant organisations such as the Environment Agency.

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