Issue - meetings
Lechlade Air Quality Management Area Revocation
Meeting: 07/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 248)
248 Lechlade Air Quality Management Area Revocation PDF 288 KB
To obtain approval for the revocation of the Lechlade Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).
That Cabinet resolves to:
1. Approve the revocation of the Lechlade AQMA
Additional documents:
- Annex A - Defra Appraisal, item 248
PDF 203 KB
- Webcast for Lechlade Air Quality Management Area Revocation
The purpose of the report was to consider the approval for the revocation of the Lechlade Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).
Councillor Layton introduced the report and outlined its contents.
Councillor Layton proposed the recommendation and Councillor McKeown seconded.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
1. APPROVED the revocation of the Lechlade AQMA
Voting Record
5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention, 2 Absent/Did not vote
The purpose of the report was to consider the approval for the revocation of the Lechlade Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).
Councillor Layton as Cabinet Member for Planning and Regulatory Services introduced this report and made the following points:
- It was identified in April 2014 in Thames Street in Lechlale that vehicle congestion had caused a very high reading of nitrogen oxide due to the traffic light sequencing and the surrounding buildings. This led to a AQMA being established by the Council.
- There had been changes made to the traffic lights in the area and this had led to a significant reduction in the levels of nitrogen oxide as outlined on Figure 2 within the report.
- The Department for Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) recommend that once three consecutive years of readings below the national objective have been achieved, the AQMA should be revoked.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
- APPROVED the revocation of the Lechlade AQMA
Voting Record
5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention, 3 Absent/Did not vote
For |
Against |
Abstention |
Absent/Did not vote |
Claire Bloomer |
Joe Harris |
Juliet Layton |
Lisa Spivey |
Mike Evemy |
Paul Hodgkinson |
Mike McKeown |
Tony Dale |