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Public Conveniences Review Group terms of reference

Meeting: 31/10/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 298)

298 Public Conveniences Review Group terms of reference pdf icon PDF 198 KB


The Committee on 26 September 2023 agreed to establish the Public Conveniences Review Group and further agreed that the draft terms of reference be amended and approved by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Review Group and reported back to the Committee.



To note the approved terms of reference.

Additional documents:


Councillor Tony Slater, as the Chair of the Public Conveniences Review Group, introduced the item. Councillor Slater outlined progress that had been made on work. The Terms of reference had been agreed at the first meeting of the review group. The next steps for the group, having reviewed the toilets within the district were to proceed with a business case.


The Chair of the Committee stated that the group would need to report back in January, but seemed to be progressing well. The Chair also thanked the Review Group for their work.


Members discussed cashless payment in public toilets. The Deputy Chief Executive stated that £50,000 had been set aside for this.


Meeting: 26/09/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 282)

282 Establishment of a Public Conveniences Review Group pdf icon PDF 185 KB


To consider the establishment of a Public Conveniences Review Group.




That the Overview and Scrutiny and Committee agree:

1)    To establishment of a Public Conveniences Review Group;

2)    Agree the terms of reference;

3)    Note that political groups have been asked to nominate Members to serve on this review group, and that the names of the nominees will be reported to the Committee once known.

Additional documents:


The purpose of this item was to consider the establishment of Public Conveniences Review Group under the proposed terms of reference.


The Vice-Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee introduced the item.


The membership of the Review Group was confirmed as; Councillors Tony Slater, Gary Selwyn, Roly Hughes and David Cunningham. A further member would be confirmed at a later date.


It was noted that the first meeting of the Review Group would take place on Friday 6 October.


The Vice-Chair agreed to establish the group and confirmed that the draft terms of reference summarised the purpose review group effectively. There were questions over the 50p charge contained within the terms of reference. The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance clarified that the charge was 40p for some toilets while others remained free of charge.


Following queries by the Committee, it was asked whether the figure could be removed to reduce confusion. The Deputy Leader commented that since no decisions had been made, a different charge could be recommended by the Review Group.


As part of the Public Conveniences Review, a tour of public toilet sites would be organised by the Democratic Services Business Manager.


It was confirmed that under delegated authority, the Assistant Director for Resident Services had approved for card readers to be installed at all toilets across the district. The Cabinet Member confirmed that the ability to pay by cash was not being removed.


The Committee asked that disability groups, with specific reference being made to those suffering from Irritable Bowl Diseases, be consulted with. The Committee also discussed Town and Parish Councils, and the Cabinet Member suggested that they be consulted with by the Review Group.


It was suggested that Councillor Tony Slater, as the Chair of the review group, review the terms of reference to reflect the discussion.


The importance of including a female member to the group was noted.


Councillor David Cunningham proposed and Councillor Tony Slater seconded.


RESOLVED: That the Committee:

1) AGREED to the establishment of a Public Conveniences Review Group;

2) AGREED the draft terms of reference presented be amended, with agreement on the final text by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the group being reported to the Committee.

3) NOTED that political groups have been asked to nominate Members to serve on this review group, and that the full list of the names of the nominees will be reported to the Committee once known.


The Committee agreed the recommendations by assent.