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Issue - meetings

Community Safety Partnership

Meeting: 31/10/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 294)

294 Community Safety Partnership pdf icon PDF 158 KB


To exercise the function of the Crime & Disorder Committee through review of Cotswold Community Safety Partnership strategy and delivery.



That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee scrutinises the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to submit to the Cabinet meeting on 2 November 2023.



Councillor Lisa Spivey, Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Safety.

Jacqueline Wright, Community Wellbeing Manager

Additional documents:


The purpose of the item was to exercise the function of the Crime & Disorder Committee through review of Cotswold Community Safety Partnership strategy and delivery. The Chair introduced the item, and stated that, as Cotswold District Council did not have a separate Crime and Disorder Committee responsibility for receiving the annual Community Safety Partnership update falls under the Overview & Scrutiny Committee remit.


The Chair invited the Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Safety to address the Committee. The Cabinet Member thanked Officers for their work enabling the partnership. The Cabinet Member stated that the recent focus of the group was to ensure that all action points had identified owners to ensure partnership working and delivery of the actions.


Members discussed the report, including the following points;

  • What was the Community Safety Partnership doing to address anti-social behaviour?  The Committee requested further detail on the multi-agency community response being undertaken.  The Cabinet Member stated they would ask ERS Service Lead to provide more information on this to members.
  • Members discussed that, due to the various agencies and pathways involved with crime prevention, it seemed more work was needed to publicise the ways for residents needing help to get in touch. The Cabinet Member stated that an information sheet had been produced, and would be shared with the Committee and that the work on the action plan would also address this.
  • Neighbourhood watch initiatives were discussed, of which the District had one of the highest numbers in the country. It was stated by the Cabinet Member that WhatsApp groups also served this function.
  • Another element of the work which was discussed was work around young male carers. The Business Manager for Communities and Wellbeing stated that the focus of the work was to reach creatively those who need help e.g. through mobile provision of services.
  • Due to the importance of the work, Members asked that an update be brought to the Committee in six months.


The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Jenkinson and Seconded by Councillor Cunningham.


RESOLVED: To note the update and receive a further update in six months.


Voting record For 10, Abstentions 0, Against 0