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Q4 Performance Report

Meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 148)

148 Council Priority and Service Performance Report - 2022-23 Quarter 4 pdf icon PDF 327 KB


To provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance



That Cabinet resolves to:

1)    Note overall progress on the Council priorities and service performance for 2022-23 Q4 and the post reporting period events.

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance


The Chief Executive introduced the report, and highlighted the key points within the report;

              A revised Council Tax Hardship fund was launched to help those affected by the Cost of Living Crisis

              Council Tax Collection rates had previously declined due to the Cost of Living Crisis, but this had now improved, at a rate of 98%

              Business rates collection had improved, with a reduction in recovery rates

              There had been a decline in the number of planning applications received, which resulted in a decrease of income from  pre-application advice

              The next Council Priority and Service Performance Report would include a broader suite of performance indicators.


The Deputy Chief Executive then addressed the financial elements of the report.


              A new method of benchmarking reporting would be included in future reports, including comparisons from CIPFA neighbours.

              The Asset Management Strategy would be presented to Cabinet in September.


Members made reference to the increase in Gym membership by 20%, and welcomed the new leisure provider who would be commencing their contract in 10 days’ time.


Members stated that Business Rates collections would likely be a challenge due to the high rates of inflation, and encouraged officers to ensure that businesses are being helped to survive amidst this.


The Deputy Leader stated that the report had been scrutinised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week. The Committee did not make any recommendations to Cabinet but had discussed the performance indicators.

Members made reference to the increase in Gym membership by 20%, and welcomed the new leisure provider who would be commencing their contract in 10 days time.


Members stated that Business rate collections would likely be a challenge due to the high rates of inflation, and encouraged officers to ensure that businesses are being helped to survive amidst this.


The Deputy Leader stated that the report had been scrutinised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week. The Committee did not make any recommendations to Cabinet but had discussed the performance indicators.


RESOLVED: That Cabinet


1)     Note overall progress on the Council priorities and service performance for 2022-23 Q4 and the post reporting period events.