Issue - meetings
Draft Q1 Financial and Performance Report
Meeting: 16/11/2022 - Council (Item 50)
50 Recommendation from Cabinet 3rd October 2022: Changing Places Toilets PDF 131 KB
To consider a recommendation from Cabinet on 3 October 2022 relating to funding for “Changing Places” toilets.
That Council resolves to allocate a capital budget of £162,500 in 2022/23 to install four accessible ‘Changing Places’ toilets across the district for people with severe disabilities following a successful bid for funding from the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities.
Additional documents:
The purpose of the report was to consider a recommendation from Cabinet on 3 October 2022 relating to funding for “Changing Places” toilets.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report and provided a summary of the allocated funding of £162,500 that had been provided to be used installing four ‘Changing Places’ toilets across the District.
Council welcomed the funding, and noted that it must be spent by March 2024 and was provided for the building of four ‘Changing Places’ toilets and this number was not negotiable.
Council noted that suitable land had been identified at four locations, and where this was within a commercial venue that charged an admission fee, this fee would not be payable by those wanting to use the ‘Changing Places’ toilets.
Council noted that the new toilets would be listed on the ‘Changing Places’ national register to enable them to be identified and utilised, and local signposting would also be put in place to highlight their locations.
RESOLVED: That Council resolves to allocate a capital budget of £162,500 in 2022/23 to install four accessible ‘Changing Places’ toilets across the district for people with severe disabilities following a successful bid for funding from the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities.
Voting Record – For 32, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 2,
Meeting: 03/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 46)
46 Draft Q1 Financial and Performance Report PDF 273 KB
To provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance
To provide information on the Council’s financial position
That Cabinet:
(a) Reviews overall progress on the Council priorities, service delivery and financial performance for 2022-23 Q1;
(b) Agrees and recommends to Full Council that following a successful bid for funding from the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities, the 2022-23 capital programme is adjusted to include a budget of £162,500 to install four accessible ‘Changing Places’ toilets across the district for people with severe disabilities.
Additional documents:
- Annex A Cotswolds Warm and Well Impact and Insights Q4 202122, item 46 PDF 145 KB
- Annex B Cotswold Council Priority report 2022-23 Q1 v4, item 46 PDF 724 KB
- Annex C Cotswold Performance report 2022-23 Q1v3, item 46 PDF 3 MB
- Annex D_Revenue Summary and Variances_FINAL, item 46 PDF 108 KB
- Annex E Capital_Q1_202223_Summary_of_capital_expenditure, item 46 PDF 145 KB
- Webcast for Draft Q1 Financial and Performance Report
The purpose of the report was to provide an update on progress of the Council’s priorities and service performance and to provide information on the Council’s financial position.
The Chief Executive introduced the report and summarised how the Council’s key priorities had been progressed, and how the Council had performed against some of its key performance measures.
Cabinet noted that:
· The number of flood wardens had increased
· The Town and Parish Council forum was now established and working well
· The number of missed bins had halved, year on year
· The revenue figure showed a very small underspend when neighbouring authorities were reporting overspends of up to £2.8M.
· Q2 would be more challenging due to the current financial climate.
· The Digital Skills Centre had opened at Cirencester College
· Share Prosperity Fund bid had delivered investment into the District
Cabinet welcomed the improvements to the Cotswold Water Park and thanked Councillor Layton for leading on this.
RESOLVED: Cabinet reviewed the overall progress on the Council priorities, service delivery and financial performance for 2022-23 Q1 and agreed to recommend to Full Council that following a successful bid for funding from the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities, the 2022-23 capital programme is adjusted to include a budget of £162,500 to install four accessible ‘Changing Places’ toilets across the district for people with severe disabilities.
Voting Record – For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1