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Funding for essential maintenance on Council Property Assets

Meeting: 05/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Funding for Essential Maintenance of Council Service Property Assets pdf icon PDF 162 KB


To request funding for essential repairs at the Councils properties; Cirencester Leisure Centre and Packers Leaze Waste Vehicle Depot.



That Cabinet:

a)    approves the funding requested of: £55,000 for flood works at the Packers Leaze Depot.


That Cabinet recommends to Council:

b)    Approval of the funding request of £110,000 for maintenance within the Cirencester Leisure Centre Pool Hall.

c)    That delegated authority is granted to the Deputy Chief Executive to update the Capital Programme, the Capital Strategy and the Treasury Management Strategy to include the requested funding.

d)    That, if the funding is approved, delegated authority is granted to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and the Group Manager for Commissioning to agree the final funding on receipt of the tenders and to award the contracts for the necessary works set out in the report.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Property and Facilities Manager which requested approval to fund essential repairs at the Council’s properties: Cirencester Leisure Centre and Packers Leaze Waste Vehicle Depot.


The report advised that the two sites referred to above required funding allocation for essential maintenance in order for the properties to continue to support key services.  The Waste Depot required works to the drainage at the site to reduce surface water flooding to the waste vehicle parking area.  The poor drainage in the area caused health and safety issues for Ubico staff accessing the waste collection vehicles.


With regard to the Leisure Centre, specialists had been engaged to agree a scope of work which would give more sustainable longer term and low maintenance solutions and address the existing corrosion following a number of problems identified with the painted steel structural support columns and roof struts.  The report also noted the need to shut the facility whilst work was completed.


The report recommended that Cabinet approve the funding requested for flood works at the Packers Leaze Depot, totalling £55,000.  In addition, Cabinet was asked to recommend that Council approve the funding request for the Leisure Centre Pool hall and asked that authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive to update the Capital Programme and Strategy and the Treasury Management Strategy as appropriate.  Authority would also be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Group Manager for Commissioning to agree the final funding on receipt of tenders, and award the contracts as necessary.


An alternative option was that the Council could choose not to undertake the works highlighted but this was not recommended due to the health and safety and reputational risks identified.


Councillor Evemy introduced the recommendations and highlighted the key sections of the report.


Following questions from Members, the Deputy Chief Executive advised that any contingency to address loss of earnings from either the Leisure Centre or Ubico would be considered separately.


The recommendations were seconded by Councillor Doherty.


Members noted that as the funding required for the Leisure Centre was over £100,000, that decision would require approval from Full Council at the next meeting.


Having considered the report, and having heard from the Members present, Cabinet


Resolved that funding of: £55,000 for flood works at the Packers Leaze Depot is approved.


Recommend that Council:


a)    approve the funding request of £110,000 for maintenance within the Cirencester Leisure Centre Pool Hall;

b)    delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to update the Capital Programme, the Capital Strategy and the Treasury Management Strategy to include the requested funding;

c)    delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and the Group Manager for Commissioning to agree the final funding on receipt of the tenders and to award the contracts for the necessary works set out in the report, if funding is approved.


Record of Voting - for 8, against 0, abstention 0, absent  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18