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Issue - meetings

Flood Wardens

Meeting: 05/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 Creation of Cotswold District Council Flood Warden Programme pdf icon PDF 137 KB


To consider the creation of a Cotswold Flood Warden programme.




a)    The flood warden programme in 2021/22 is funded from the Severe Weather Recovery earmarked reserve; and


b)    Authority be delegated to the CEO, in consultation with the Cabinet member for the environment, waste and recycling to liaise with GRCC to finalise the detail of the programme and identify the initial towns and parishes to be approached with a view to them being part of the initial programme.



Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Chief Executive which asked Members to consider the creation of a Cotswold Flood Warden Programme.


The report reminded Members of the impact that flooding had on residents of the District, in particular following the winter 2020/21 which saw properties affected in Siddington, Mickleton, Moreton in Marsh, Daglingworth, Coberley and Adlestrop.  The Council had worked alongside Ubico to support residents and had held an online ‘flooding forum’ to gather views and offer support and advice.  It was felt that the creation of a flood warden programme was another way in which the Council could provide a supportive role and Gloucestershire Rural Community Council (GRCC) had been approached following their successful track record of supporting councils in the creation and management of voluntary flood warden programmes.


An overview of the programme that GRCC could provide was detailed at Appendix 1 and the key deliverables were listed at section 1.8 of the report.  The report recommended that the Flood warden programme be funded from the Sever Weather Recovery earmarked reserve and that authority be delegated to the CEO, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Environment, Waste and Recycling to liaise and finalise the details of the programme.


An alternative option was that Members could choose not to support the creation of the volunteer Flood Warden Programme.


Councillor Doherty introduced the report and proposed the recommendations as laid out.  These were seconded by the Leader.


Having considered the report, and having heard from the Members present, Cabinet


Resolved that


(a)   the flood warden programme in 2021/22 be funded from the Severe Weather Recovery earmarked reserve; and


(b)  authority is delegated to the CEO, in consultation with the Cabinet member for the Environment, Waste and Recycling to liaise with GRCC to finalise the detail of the programme and identify the initial towns and parishes to be approached with a view to them being part of the initial programme.


Record of Voting - for 8, against 0, abstention 0, absent 0.